Border Z Group is an Agile x Offshore themed development company consisting of two companies in Tokyo and Vietnam (Hanoi). Our company was founded in 2019 by two former DeNA members. In offshore development, there are many Borders, such as the Border between the client and the development team, and the Border within the development team in different locations.
We believe that by reducing these borders to zero, we can realize offshore development with higher social value, which is why we named our company Border Z.
Nguồn: https://www.border-z.co.jp/home-en




Công nghệ thông tin, Nhóm nghề khác

Phòng 609, Tầng 6, Tòa nhà CIC Tower, số 2, ngõ 219 phố Trun, Phường Yên Hoà, Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội